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Synergy - 顧名思義就是指人與人的團結能發揮出巨大力量,比起各自孤身作戰,協同效應所釋放的能量足以讓我們排除萬難前進。無懼未來一切的困難,我們一同定下的目標,將一同如計劃般完成。顯而易見,在社會上,這種不論種族階級的凝聚力量尤其重要,我們追求著這種理想社會的執著,將會是驅使我們用行動來服務社會的原動力。

Synergy, which means the combined power of a group of people when they are working together is greater than the power achieved by each working separately. Putting our effort, all executive committee members are going to clear the hurdles and accomplish all the tasks. This name also applies to the community since we think that the coherence of people is very important, it gives us the motivation to serve and help. 



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